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Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression Therapy

Past life regression therapy is a type of psychotherapy in which a therapist helps a client to remember a previous life. Most people who have this experience have been eased into the topic by the therapist encouraging them to think about the possibility of effects of past lifes causing problems in their present life, and then work through any traumatic memories that may have remained dormant from that time. It is believed that when working through these memories, some people will then be able to remember past lives or other things from the past.

Past life regression has become a popular topic of discussion in recent times. Reincarnation goes back thousands of years and occurs in most of the world’s religions. Although controversial to some past life regression has accumulated so much evidence of previous life’s that to deny the fact that this is a very distinct possibility leaves us open to a closed mindset that will cause a blocked mindset in itself.

Reincarnation is the belief that man’s consciousness or soul survives death and returns to be reborn into many different physical bodies and lives in order to learn and grow. Past Life Regression has on numerous occasions helped healed certain ailments that stemmed from these previous experiences which are like a scar on the soul that needs to be addressed.

From a psychological perspective, past life regression can be seen as a therapeutic tool that allows individuals to explore their unconscious mind. It can help uncover hidden traumas, unresolved conflicts, and deep-seated emotions that may be influencing their current thoughts, behaviors, and relationships.

The Process of Past Life Regression

Now that you're mentally prepared, let's talk about what the actual process of a past life regression test entails. This can vary depending on the regression therapist and their techniques, but we will cover the general steps involved.

Initial Consultation

Before the regression session, you will typically have an initial consultation with the regression therapist. This is an opportunity for them to understand your goals, address any concerns, and explain the process in detail. It's essential to establish trust and rapport with your therapist to create a supportive environment for the regression.

The Regression Session

During the regression session, you will be guided into a relaxed and focused state. The therapist will use various techniques to help you access your subconscious and retrieve memories from past lives. This may involve visualizations, guided imagery, or even gentle prompting to explore specific memories or emotions.

Post-Session Reflection

Once the regression session is complete, the therapist will guide you back to your present awareness. Take some time to reflect on the experience, noting any vivid memories, emotions, or insights that came up. It can be helpful to journal about your regression session to capture your thoughts and feelings while they are still fresh.
  • Encountering past Life Personalities
  • Understanding your past life regression
  • Making the connection with your present
  • Self Discovery of who you are

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